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Bed and Breakfast in VicenzaAccommodation in Vicenza

Tours of La Rotonda and accommodation in Vicenza Italy

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La Rotonda (Villa Capra)

We'll walk along a quiet pathway thru the woods to one of the most famous villas in Italy, La Rotonda (Villa Capra). Designed by Andrea Palladio for the wealthy Vicentine cleric Paolo Almerico following his departure from the papal court,  La Rotonda was the model for the capital building in Washington D.C.. It was Palladio's protege Vincenzo Scamozzi who oversaw completion of the structure following Palladio's death in 1580. The villa was acquired and restored to its present condition in the 20th century by the Valmarana family of Venice. The central dome, one of Palladio's most famous and imitated motifs, was itself inspired by the Pantheon of ancient Rome.  The central ceiling paintings date from around the end of the 16th century and are by Alessandro Maganza and his son Giambattista.  The frescoes in the main room are by Lodovico Dorigny.


La Rotonda (Villa Capra) in Vicenza

La Rotonda in Vicenza

Villa Valmarana - La Rotonda - Valle del Silenzio - Museo del Risorgimento - Chiesa di Monte Berico - Piazza di Monte Berico - Arco delle Scalette  -  Garden Break
Ponte San Michele - Piazza dei Signori - La Basilica - Torre dei Bissari Il Duomo - Cripto Portico  -  Chiesa di Santa Corona  -  Palazzo Chiericati - Teatro Olimpico

Valley of silence

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Zugverbindung Mailand - Venedig in Norditalien

Mailand Verona Vicenza Padua Venedig

- Ein kulturelles B&B in norditalien -

Bed and breakfast accomodation in Vicenza Italy
Tours of La Rotonda & accomodation in Vicenza
telephone  +39  335 5729190
Accomodation in ItalyAccommodation in ItalyBed & breakfast in ItalyHotels in Vicenza Sunstreams Consulting Tours of ItalyItaly accommodationLa RotondaAccommodation Italy